"Within us all is a sacred remembering. In ancient times we understood how to bring forward divine messages, wisdom and understanding about ourselves and the magnificence of the universes. As the Oracle, we spoke our truth to ourselves and to others. I am delighted to invite you to the AKashic Therapy programs, so that once again in this lifetime, you can align with your highest truth, magical presence and highest spiritual insight". With Blessings Amanda.
Each training program includes the workbook that acts as a frame-work for your private session time with Amanda. Each program also includes bonus audios and or videos and a certificate upon completion.
Where to Begin?
The programs are laid out in an easy to follow progression, beginning with The Akashic Therapy Program. The Oracle deck is a live working deck that helps you decode and pinpoint specific Records and areas to heal, clear or give attention to. The Akashic Therapy Program is followed by The Atlantis Mystery School Program. From there you may continue on in the order that appeals to you

Access Your Records

Work in the Records

Mystery School Wisdom
What's Next?
These programs can be stand alone programs for the more advanced student or can be selected in the order you intuit after completing the Akashic Therapy Program.

Access Your Records

Access Your Records

Access Your Records

Access Your Records
Healing Training

These are unlike any other oracle cards I have ever worked with, the energy is different; but this is why I was drawn to them and why I wanted to purchase them (because they are different). I really like the matte finish of them, and the images chosen for the cards. also the packaging was very nice!
After getting the cards I discovered a video on YouTube from the creator of the cards, she did a sample reading and explained a little about how they work, and what I mentioned previous was confirmed, these cards are different. I am still developing my relationship with the cards and how to communicate with them'. prangel03 2019