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BOOK I of the Divine Oracle Series
Flower of Life Press (

Amanda's newest book .. this is a revised and magical new edition of The Oracles of Egypt. New details and information from the Tor guardians and much more!

A book 11 years in the making .. a powerful and coded  book that takes us on a magical journey weaving through timelines and Temples.

Do you ever see an image on a book, hear a sound while walking down the street, or smell a scent carried by the breeze that makes you envision a whole other life? What would you feel if that life were real?
You see yourself on the shores of the Nile as a priestess praying to the goddess Isis or witnessing your own trial at Salem or serving as Anne Boleyn’s handmaiden at court. This is exactly what happened to my friends and me.
After spending thousands of years and countless lifetimes trying to repair our sisterhood, we finally had the chance to come together and restore our sacred contracts with Isis and with each other.
We had to go back. We had to go back to the start of it all—the creation of our sisterhood at Philae and its destruction two hundred years later.
Our story is one of betrayal, ego, and thirst for power. This is a murder mystery that would take almost two thousand years to solve.
Come on our journey and discover the power of sisterhood and the Divine Feminine.

For all my soul sisters, we remember you always and forever.

Sacred cover art by Cheryl Yambrach Rose

The sequel 'Return to Egypt' is being written and due 2024!

Return to the Temple Book I

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