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Sacred Training

'In the Akashic Records, each one of us has a divine purpose 

that is always known to our souls...

It waits to be remembered by us in our human lives. When we awaken to our destiny, we are truly able to self-actualize the imprint of our inspiration for the world to know.  My role as an Akashic librarian is to assist others in the alignment with the Record house upon the Earth and with the universe'.

Training Programs

Study in depth with Amanda Romania

Amanda has created a range of powerful training courses for every level. There are two avenues for learning and expansion. The first is our catalog of the Temple Training classes which are a range of classes of 45 to 60 minutes in duration. See TEMPLE TRAINING.

If  you want to take your journey to the next level of professional spiritual development, you may resonate with the in depth Temple Mastery trainings which each include 3 hours of personal session time with Amanda.

Not sure which package is best for you?

Amanda offers a 10 minute complimentary discovery call. Simply connect to organize a call. 

To journey even deeper into your sacred work and path please feel free to explore Amanda's sacred retreats in Sedona, and sacred journeys to Glastonbury, Peru and Egypt.


Temple Mastery Program Overview

Books by Amanda Romania

Often a spiritual awakening can occur with a book.. they can act as catalysts. Amanda has brought forward the information for her books directly from the Akashic Field and Libraries of Light and each book contains keys and codes to help you gain greater spiritual awareness and expanded consciousness. They are an excellent way to start or strengthen your connection and awakening to the Akashic Fields.



Akashic Therapy works with sacred meditation to examine the past, present, future, and between-life lives. The Akashic Records is the etheric database of knowledge containing all the records of our reincarnations.




The Oracles of Egypt acts as window  into a mystical and forgotten world that connects us to the karmic path of the Oracle, multiple timelines and the power of sisterhood and the divine feminine.

Soft cover version       




An expert guide to connecting with the cosmic races that influence human life. A fascinating journey, filled with knowledge and wisdom and the keys and codes to connect with the extraterrestrial races.




The Oracles of Egypt acts as window  into a mystical and forgotten world that connects us to the karmic path of the Oracle, multiple timelines and the power of sisterhood and the divine feminine. Hardcover version  Currently out of hardcover stock .


Oracle Deck.jpg


Access The Akashic Records and The Libraries of Light. This deck is designed to provide greater clarity and clear direction through accessing your own personal Records and life path information.


5 out of 5 stars    

I loved this book! So much ethos. Conveys this arcane, ancient knowledge that somehow seems ahead of it's time. I haven't been compelled by a narrative in a long time, but this story was muah. *chef's kiss* I'm so glad I read this book; I got a whole lot out of it! Jessica Pena 



Amanda's book and workshop are amazing. She provides a unique and gentle process for accessing often buried or forgotten past, present and future life information. Once accessed we can heal, clear or gain clarity that will positively impact this lifetime and beyond. The book is easy to read, the stories are captivating, and the meditations amazingly effective. If you're reaching for transformation, this book is a wonderful catalyst.-

- Natalie Eve Marquis AZ


"I am sincerely humbled for your words you expressed and for placing loving healing oil with the scent of roses when we were at the Cathedral of Saint Francis of Assisi; the sacred oil had a very soothing, healing, and emotional effect on me. We had not met yet, as it was the first day, but Amanda reached out to me so lovingly. Thank you for sharing your talent given by Divinity. Sending you all my love."

Susan, Florida, USA

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